Sunday, September 12, 2021

Patricia Murphy

Fallen Down

I have watched the fallen down 

from September 11, 2001 

and its deeply disturbing.  

I was at work the day it happened.  

I was on the phone with a 

detective handling my domestic 

violence case with an ex-boyfriend.  

The detective was advising me 

on what to do.  

He mentioned Kobe Bryant 

who had been allegedly 

accused of rape. 

I had been to the World Trade  

Center in New York City 

earlier in my business career.  

I had ridden up the long elevator 

and had lunch there with friends.  

I never imagined anything so 

tragic would happen later 

on in my life, with so many 

lives lost, and people torn apart.  

I was sent home from my legal 

career job on September 11th.  

So I returned home and 

watched it on my T.V.  

The next day I didn't go to work.  

I watched some more on my 

T.V. at home.  

I returned to my job the day 

after and continued with my 

domestic violence case.  

My ex-boyfriend who is wealthy, 

has deep pockets and connections 

didn't want me to file any 

charges against him.  

However, abuse is never acceptable. 

He threatened to kill me.  

His words were:  "I'm going to kill Patricia 

and bury her under the deck in my backyard."  

He has a very large house and a one acre lot. 

I did press charges.  

The victims are always the ones who lose.  

There were many victims at the 

World Trade Center.  

I pray for the people who've lost someone 

dear to them.  


I have fallen down, 

but gotten back up again.  

Life is too short.  

It's important to remember the 

ones who've left us.  

To be with the ones who remain.  

If you're down, pick yourself up, 

dust yourself off and start all over again.  

We need to believe in ourselves 

in order to succeed.  

For if we heed the call of life, 

there will be no strife.  

A life of greatness 

Is on the horizon.  

We can blossom if we choose.  

And never lose.


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R A Ruadh

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