Friday, September 17, 2021

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie

I Ain’t Gonna Waste No Poem on You

Read your poem in Spectrum 28

Thought you were a poetry slammer

Soon found out you were nothing

but a fucking scammer

You!re all take and no give

Next to you, woman

or is it, man

a parasite is altruistic

But I ain!t gonna waste no poem on you, baby

Hell! You ain!t even worth a goddamned ditty

You!re callous, evil woman or man

You!re frozen rock hard

No global warming gonna melt

your cold, cold heart

You laugh when elders fall down

and break a hip

You have stolen their money

and don’t give a shit

But I ain!t gonna waste no poem on you, baby

Hell! You ain!t even worth a goddamned ditty

I wasted time on you, I’ll never get back

I let you rob me of my dignity

and would have let you

take all my money as well

But the thrill is gone,

wicked baby

my son rescued his prodigal father

and broke your spell

But I ain!t gonna waste no poem on you, baby

Hell! You ain!t even worth a goddamned ditty

So long, Cynthia, Cedric,

Connie, Conrad, or whatever

demon you are

It ain’t been good to know you

If you were a bard

you should have known

Never fuck with a poet

no matter how old they are

But I ain!t gonna waste no poem on you, baby

Hell! You ain!t even worth a goddamned ditty

1 comment:

R A Ruadh

I am Crann Bethadh I am a tiny green bud on a branch Unfurling a little too early There is concern I might not grow up That I will shrivel a...