Sunday, September 19, 2021

Mira N Mataric

Snow Fall


The first snow fell

in my native Novi Sad.

Something I had not seen

during my thirty years in California.

Now visiting my native land

where I lived long ago.

I see and feel a new snow,

snow I had not touched

since my youth.


A small smile

and many memories

of all the snowmen we had made

in our yard, a yard that no longer exist.

The street, our street remains

but everything is different

A new building replaced the one

in which I grew up.

Our mother had created a family garden,

a Garden of Eden with bright flowers

basking under lush fruit trees.

It is not hard to bask in the memories

of oleanders white, yellow, and pink

and their shared celestial aroma

set back into my dreams

as well the rest of our small street

so close to the Danube.


Many new people live there now

with no memory of that icy winter

and the atrocities of 1942.


My Danube, are you the same river,

where my brother and I rowed

our sport boat under blue skies?

The sun still rises from that river

and drowns again in the evening.

Children play in the shallows and row boats,

but I have moved far away,

across the Ocean.



Poetry Falls

Poems, like rose petals,

and the leaves of autumn,

fall off me whenever

there is an internal fluttering,

a trembling, shaking or

external wind or storm.

It is a natural growth,

like a snake shedding

outlived skin for the new.

Any emotion, any thought,

awe with nature and beauty,

may cause it.


I remember writing my first poem,

after seeing the Adriatic Sea

the first time during a school trip,

at age thirteen.

I published it

and dared to write more

and shared it widely at age eighteen.

In both cases, my parents, and teachers

offered strong loving support

and encouragement.


I have always enjoyed nature

and sang in various forms

from the beginning of life

before it steadily poured out

in the form of poetry.


I was exposed to the beauty and wisdom

of poetry by my father early in life.

He walked through our home reciting poetry

and quoting sayings of wisdom.

My mother did the same.


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R A Ruadh

I am Crann Bethadh I am a tiny green bud on a branch Unfurling a little too early There is concern I might not grow up That I will shrivel a...