Sunday, September 19, 2021

Lori Wall-Holloway

I Remember …

I remember…

  September 11, 2001 

the morning my son fearfully

phoned to let me know 

we were under attack

I recall… 

   the shock I felt when I turned 

on the TV and saw a Boeing 767

purposely fly into the Twin Towers 

after another airliner had flown 

into the high rise fifteen 

minutes earlier

I was glued…

   to the television wherever 

I went to get reports of what

was happening in New York

Once the buildings began

to collapse, reporters joined 

others running to escape debris 

falling down around them  

Choking dust created an ash 

filled darkness

I devoured…

 live broadcasts and eye witness

accounts of rescues and bravery

I wanted to learn of survival stories 

not only from those in the Big 

Apple but from Washington D.C. 

where the Pentagon was struck

Unable to help, all I could do 

was pray

I consumed…

 tales of courage, like Flight 93 

when passengers prevented 

hijackers from using the plane 

as a bomb

It cost them their lives when 

they crashed into an empty field 

They were true heroes

Twenty Years Later…


I still want to hear… 

   about miracles straight 

from survivors’ mouths 

People who were rescued

after being pinned beneath 

the concrete rubble 

The ones who crawled 

through mazes of mangled 

metal and broken cement

to find the light of day

I grieve…

   with those who still mourn

Several courageous men 

and women sacrificed their 

lives for others at that time

and their stories should not

be forgotten

I am reminded…

  how patriotism erupted

when I see a magazine cover

from that time display three 

firemen who raised the United 

States flag above Ground Zero

A photo taken at a candlelight

vigil illustrated how the American

Spirit burst forth

The picture shows a young girl 

sitting atop her father’s shoulders

holding a U.S. flag high above

her head

We filled churches and prayed

We rallied around those

 in need and the world came 

to our aid

I will never forget…

   how united we were

and how we showed evil 

they did not win that day

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