Sunday, September 19, 2021

Joan McNerney


Down through blackness

into dusty subterraneous

passages where trains raced. 


Silver rods sped through dream

stations transforming tunnels

with bolts of blue white sparks. 




On a steel car looking out the

window. How many times have

I seen my train reeling off track?


How many times have I ridden

the dark horse called nightmare? 

In air off track tumbling down falling. 


Dangling on thick utility cables

on edge, through trees into lights,

crashing fast against buildings. 


Now flying through space.

Careening in pitch black night,

my silver train shattering glass.


Dream Blue

Deep blue midnight blue.

Once in a blue moon.


Driving a long blue van

through a deep blue sea.


The steering wheel pops

out in my hand, this long

blue van crashing crashing.


Cold cold everything cold

Water cold icy cold.


Falling in icy cold water.  

Once in a blue moon. 


Diving between the devil

and deep blue sea.


Driving through waves.

in dream blue.



Falling Asleep

Curling into a question mark

                eyes shuttered

                         lips pursed

                               hands empty.

Dropping through

long dusty shafts

down into dank cellars.

Leaving behind faded day.


That last cup of sunlight

pouring from fingertips.

Lulled by rattling trains,

                sighs of motors.


Bringing nothing but

memory into night.

Now I will     untie knots

                   tear off wrappings

opening wide bundles of dreams.

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R A Ruadh

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