Sunday, September 19, 2021

Rick Leddy

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Why the pill, he asked

A Serotonin Jesus to save you

Why is the world so afraid of sadness?

Do you know sadness?

Have you fallen down that razor wire lined rabbit hole, 

slippery with viscous hopelessness

Fingers flayed and bloodied

Trying to grasp the edge 

of a bottomless well

The mirror a black hole 

Sucking marrow from the light

Have you touched sadness?

Dreams filled with thrumming paralysis

Buried alive beneath the weight of failure

Your bed a tomb you cannot rise from

Sleep become life’s antidote

Fearful of waking up

To the nightmare of the new day

Have you seen sadness?

The hollow place where you used to be

Hoping the world will miss you

But convinced it won’t

Existence so meaningless

Ebb has replaced flow 

Filling over the mistake you once occupied

Do you understand sadness?

Is it just weakness

A genuflection away from cure

Is it bucking up and moving on

Ignoring the squatter in your soul

Ripping out the cancer with blunt instruments of abuse

Getting over it 

Snapping out of it

Thinking positively

Or is it finding solace in friends

Who ask you

Why the pill?

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R A Ruadh

I am Crann Bethadh I am a tiny green bud on a branch Unfurling a little too early There is concern I might not grow up That I will shrivel a...